Urhelulajit joiden katsomisesta/harrastamisesta nautin
Keilailu, Extreme-lajit
Viihteen muodot joista nautin
Baarit/pubit, Konsertit
Muut harrastukset tai kiinnostukset
Koirat, Filosofia/Henkisyys, Valokuvaus, Sosiaalinen vaikutus/Aktivismi
Vastaukset joihinkin kysymyksiin
Miten kuvailisit itseäsi?
My friends say people always feel themselves comfortable with me. They considered me a good friend cause I never leave alone a person in a hard moment. I’m faithful, caring, loving, honest, intelligent and cheerful. I love smiling and bring happiness to others. I’m always glad to see guests in my apartment and have a good conversation over some meal. By the way, I’m a superb cooker :! I want to create strong and happy family where husband and wife are best friends, lovers, partners and supporters to each other.
Mitali sitkeydestä
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