I'm a simple man. One of my mottos is "Why change?". For example, I have been playing the same video game since 1992. It's Civilization. I now play version III. I am not 'jet set'. I wear pretty much the same suit, which is black wool. I'm due to order a new one as my waist is 2 cm smaller, and it will be identical to the old one.
I practice gratitude actively. I also strive for radical honesty.
Jak byste popsal vašeho ideálního partnera?
Someone who has high family values. Someone with a pleasant face and fairly tall
Co budete dělat, když zjistíte, že za 30 dní bude konec světa?
Pokud byste měli navíc 10 miliónů dolarů, jak byste s nimi naložili?
Invest it. I believe that oil stocks are undervalued. I like Exxon and OXY.
S kým a jak často se radíte?
Not sure about this. I read a lot.
Čeho si nejvíce ceníte na lidech opačné pohlaví?
Savoir être.
Poslední zásadní událost ve vašem životě?
My LinkedIn account was hacked. I changed many passwords and increased security on my accounts.
Mezi hlavní rady, které dáváte svým dětem?
For that, I need to rely on my partner. Self-esteem and the belief that they have the right to be happy are two fundamental notions I want them to have. I'd like to instill them with curiosity and to be good people.
Kterou poslední knihu jste četli?
The Alter Ego Effect
Jaké jsou vaše cíle nyní?
To have a family. Kids that are healthy, happy, tall, and intelligent.
Koho obdivujete?
Linus Pauling. Elon Musk.
Máte hodně přátel?
Jaké vlastnosti se vám nelíbí na sobě?
Moje chyby?
Moje hodnoty?
Moje oblíbené hry?
Civilization III
Můj oblíbený spisovatelé a básníci?
I never read poetry. I have not read novels in many years.
Moje oblíbené jídlo?
Moje oblíbené filmy?
Constantine, Mission Impossible, Jason Bourne, Samurai
Moje oblíbená zábava?
Gym, reading
Práce, kterou bych chtěl dělat?
the one that I have.
Napište něco o svém vysněném partnerovi.
She's the perfect women to have children with. She's the perfect mother to raise the children and complement me on my weaknesses. She strives to improve her well-being, her health, herself. She has a strong personality. She is independent and has a high capacity to adapt. She's able to choose. This means picking what she wants but also deciding not to have everything else. She's reliable and affectuous.
Místo, kde chci žít?
Mistr ctnosti
Mistr aktivity
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