Tehdä jotakin urheilullista, Perheen parissa, Shoppaillen, Vieraillen museossa tai galleriassa, Harjoittaa harrastusta, Katsoa televisiota tai elokuvaa, Luonnossa
Aktiviteetit joista pidän
Pyöräily, Patikointi, Uinti, Kävely
Urhelulajit joiden katsomisesta/harrastamisesta nautin
I would describe myself as a cheerful ,sociable, positive, kind person. I am here to meet new people and hopefully build relationships that I can consider worthwhile and valuable
Miten kuvailisit omaa ihannekumppaniasi?
I'd glad to chat with an interesting person here. I would like to find a reliable, honest and interesting man with good sense of humor who wants to have a family in the future. For me a good relationship is all about spending a lot of time together, to understand each other well, to travel together in different places and to have some common interests (like hobbies and the way of spending time).
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