Giuseppe, 50 ans., Italie, Lodi
Taux de réponse: 17%
Renseignements principaux
Prénom: Giuseppe
Age: 50
Lieu: Italie, Lodi
Signe du Zodiaque: Cancer
Poids: 77kg
Taille: 183cm
Couleur des yeux: Noisette
Morphologie: Athlétique
Avec quelle fréquence fumez-vous?: Jamais
Avec informations:
Anglais 1 (Débutant)
Etat civil: Célibataire
Vos priorités dans la vie:
Fonder une famille, relations durables
Esprit équilibré
Stabilité, sécurité
Chez moi: Un studio / un appartement, Une voiture, Une moto
Ou vivez vous ?: Studio/appartement isolé
Quelle religion pratiquez-vous?: Non praticant
Mon (ma) partenaire
Age: 25 - 50
Morphologie: Mince, Maigre, Athlétique
Passe-temps et autres intérêts
Réponses à quelques questions
Comment vous décririez-vous?
hi to all the ladies interested in a serious relationship, I am not like the other men who place ads here inviting them to travel, I know that it is unlikely that you do, I would travel to meet you in person, but first you have to establish a relationship , that is achieved by communicating at least one month first, I can not take a plane tomorrow and travel without knowing each other, I do not do crazy things, as part of establishing a relationship at least we must chat on WhatsApp or Telegram frequently, Let's be realistic ladies, if you don't read my profile before you start writing, if you don't want to write and answer messages because you are tired , then don't write, don't write to write to try what's up, this is not a joke, it is not a game, here there are serious people like me, who are looking to create a better future and find a good woman with a person who is also is looking for the same, do not waste my time and I will not waste your time, if you are not sure what you want and you do not keep answering messages, to maintain a relationship you have, you must make an effort and get out of your time, I do not read minds, communication is very important in a relationship, to know better the other person.
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