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Antworten auf einige Fragen
Wie würden Sie sich selbst beschreiben?
A big part of my life I have devoted to the upbringing of my son and to my career. I consider myself a person with character idealist and a highly developed sense of fairness, honest and open. I have power, hot and passionate. In my heart I seek to find a partner who would share my strong passion. I look a strong partner who will make me admire him. Men who are cruel, callous, with gloomy thoughts and vulgar manners no chance to get my attention. I need a man who I could admire. And most importantly for me-a good heart, pure soul and noble character.
Wie würden Sie Ihren idealen Partner beschreiben?
First of all the ideal partner for me is a man with a noble heart and decent manners. My partner should be a born optimist, he must believe in luck and strive for the goal, he knows how to encourage and inspire others. He is a stranger to rudeness, he likes to be tolerant to others. He is sincere and open person, who is respected by others. He must be a man who want to love and gives a feeling of confidence and security.
Wenn Sie wüssten, dass in 30 Tagen die Welt untergeht, was würden Sie vorher noch gerne machen?
I would like to ask God's forgiveness for sins ... which, unfortunately, I have, like many other people.
Wenn Sie 10 Millionen Euro zum Ausgeben hätten, was würden Sie damit machen?
I would have opened a home for the elderly and disadvantaged people; gave money to the poor and orphans, whom unfortunately a lot in my country.
Wie oft und wen fragen Sie nach Rat?
I consult with the older brother, and often mentally I consulted with my parents, whom unfortunately had already left this world, but I make the decision only at the call of my heart and soul..
Was schätzen Sie am meisten an Menschen Ihres eigenen Geschlechtes?
Female friendship
Was schätzen Sie am meisten am anderen Geschlecht?
His determination, kindness, honesty and tolerance.
Gab es kürzlich, ein bedeutendes Ereignis in Ihrem Leben und wenn ja, wie hat sich das auf Sie ausgewirkt?
My son has a Master's degree from a university in the USA.
Was ist der beste Rat, den Sie Ihren Kindern mit auf den Weg geben können ?
To honor their parents, to love others and doing good to people.
Was hat einen starken Schock bei Ihnen hinterlassen?
Withdrawal of life in another world of my parents.
Die letzten Bücher, die Sie gelesen haben?
Re-read the Russian classics, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy
Was sind jetzt Ihre Ziele?
My goals are related to my professional activities and possible changes in my personal life, if I meet a worthy partner on this Dating site.
Wen bewundern Sie?
I admire happy people.
Haben Sie viele Freunde?
I have many friends and work colleagues, but I have only one a friend since childhood.
Welche Eigenschaften gefallen Ihnen am wenigsten an den Menschen Ihres eigenen Geschlechtes?
Arrogance and willingness to condemn people.
Was mögen Sie an Menschen des anderen Geschlechts am Wenigsten?
Bragging and posturing.
Was würden Sie gerne an sich selbst ändern?
My flaws
Was sind Ihre Schwächen?
In past I idealized other people and have been dissapointed in them. And I forgive them and forget the wrongs they have caused to me.
Was sind Ihre Stärken?
I can not lie, I do not know how to fall into depression, I'm not cranky and not demanding of others, I have always relied on myself, but this is probably my disadvantage as a female.
Welche Meinung haben Freunde über Sie?
Many people consider me to be kind and sympathetic person.
Welche Meinung haben Bekannte über Sie?
I hope they respect me.
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