Yuri, 54 år gammel., El Salvador, San Salvador
Svarfrekvens: 100%
Fornavn: Yuri
Alder: 54
Sted: El Salvador, San Salvador
Stjernetegn: Steinbukk
Vekt: 75kg
Høyde: 170cm
Øyefarge: Hassel
Hårfarge: Svart
Kroppstype: Slank
Røykefrekvens: Aldri
Drikke frekvens: Av og til (kun i sosiale sammenheng)
Din type aktivitet: Jeg er en morgenfugl (jeg liker å stå opp tidlig)
Med følgende kriterier:
Har du barn?:
17 år gammel. jente, bor ikke hjemme
Spansk Flytende
Engelsk Grunnleggende
Russisk Grunnleggende
Sivilstatus: Skilt
Vil ha barn: Ja
Er du villig til å flytte?:
Jeg aksepterer i å bli i min hjemby
Jeg aksepterer i å flytte innenfor mitt eget land
Jeg aksepterer å flytte til et annet land
Dine prioriteringer i livet:
Familie, langvarig forhold
Åndelig vekst
På min eiendom: Et hus/hytte
Hvor bor du?: Jeg leier
Hva mener du om utgifter til reiser og møter: Jeg kan betale
Utdannelse: Noe skolegang
Jobbtittel: Reklame/markedsføring
Hvilken religion praktiserer du?: Åndelig, men ikke religiøs
Min partner
Alder: 27 - 35
Land: Vest Europa, Øst Europa, Tidligere SUS
Vekt: 40.86 - 61.29 kg
Høyde: 165 - 180 cm
Øyefarge: Blå, Grønn
Hårfarge: Rødlig/rødt, Blond, Mørk blond, Salt og pepper grå
Er det i orden at de har barn?: Ja
Kroppstype: Slank, Gjennomsnittlig, Atletisk
Røyk: Aldri
Drikkevaner: Av og til (kun i sosiale sammenheng)
Etnisk preferanse: Hvit/europeisk
Hobbyer og interesser
Liker jeg hagearbeid?
Greit nok med hagearbeid
Liker jeg å handle mat?
Jeg liker det veldig mye
Liker jeg andre typer shopping?
Jeg liker det veldig mye
Liker jeg å lage mat?
Jeg liker veldig godt å lage mat
Hvor ofte liker jeg å gå ut?
1 gang i uka
Liker jeg å spise ute?
Jeg nyter det
Når det kommer til TV
Foretrekker en film
Når det kommer til penger
Jeg er generøs opp til ett punkt
Beskriver meg selv på en fest som en
Upartisk observatør
Holder plassen min
Rent og ryddig
Ideelt sett vil jeg gjerne bo i en
hytte på landet
Preferanse for kjæledyr
Jeg har Katter, Hunder, Har ikke, men liker Fisk, Fugler, Gnagere
Hva slags TV-programmer liker jeg å se mest på?
Sciens fiksjon, Natur/dyreprogram, Mysterie/thriller, Filmer, Pedagogiske, Drama, Dokumentar, Komedier, Tegnefilmer, Action/eventyr
Jeg liker å bruke fritiden min til
Setter meg ned med en bok, Har lunsj med en venn, Er sammen med familien, Leker med kjæledyret mitt, Pusler i hagen, Besøker museum eller galleri, Ser på TV eller en film, Går en tur, Spiller på datamaskinen, Surfer på internett, Gjør ekstra arbeid
Aktiviteter som jeg liker
Aerobics, Jogger/løper, Svømmer
Sport som jeg liker å se på og/eller spille
Underholdningsformer som jeg liker
Filmer, Museum/kunst, Klassisk musikk, Jazz musikk, Pop musikk, Tv Opplæringsprogrammer/nyheter, Tv underholdning, Vin smaking
Andre hobbyer eller interesser
Katter, håndverk, kreativ skriving, gourmetmatlaging, maling, filosofi/spiritisme, fotografering, sosial omgang/aktiviteter, reiser, yoga
Svar på noen spørsmål
Hvordan vil du beskrive deg selv?

Read my profile carefully and find what you are looking for; When you write me, you will take the surprise that I am REAL, what happens will be your responsibility, if you want to live intensely, I do not think you regret it. I'll put you to the test to know if you're the girl I'm looking for.


I will tell you the bad and the good things about me. Few people dont have the courage to do it for fear of rejection, acting like this, weakens us because we dont show character or personality and if my girl wants to love me she must know my virtues and faults then she will decide if she stays by my side
I am a jovial man, cheerful, friendly, attentive, fun, dynamic, a little bold, analytical, Food technician, collaborator, charismatic, elegant, honest, generous, idealistic, fair, leader, sincere, dreamer, helpful, tolerant, hardworking, respectful, responsible, romantic, poise, patient, loyal, observant, brave, sometimes methodical, researcher when needed, genius all the time, chess game, I am a philosopher !how boring !, I do yoga and sport occasionally, I like music, art, sculpture, poetry, dance, theater, cinema ... ..etc.

I think that I'm not jealous or, maybe I have learned to control them, jealousy is an obstacle to being happy; if someone really loves, you should not be suspicious for no reason, jealousy is insecurity and fear of failure that we were not able to be sun for the person we love.

I have a dark side, that is like being crazy, that helps me to be cheerful and live the moments with intensity, when solutions couldn’t be resolved, I resort to madness to be creative and look for solutions outside the rational. Also, I try to be carefree and don’t complicate my life. I like to be naive as a child, because I believe in castles and dragons. Of course, I must go to save Princess Fiona ....Hahaha ... hoooo was already saved by Shrek.

I am also a little egocentric and narcissistic.

A Greek philosopher “PLATON” said that a man with many defects was a potentially virtuous man. I learned that each defect has a virtue that makes up for it, example who hates can love, or who loves can hate, it means that we must look for the balance of our emotions, who does not love himself, can not love.

When you need it I can be funny, I assure you that I will make you laugh at all times ......... will I go to save Sister Fiona? ...... Hahaha.
I'm trying to make magic, but that requires a lot of discipline, self-awareness, I have managed to improve intuition... I lost $ 50 dollars I could not make them appear…….. Hahaha...... I'll keep trying... Magic requires faith in oneself, then the world changes and you become Dr. Strange.

Another goal, that my girl always has romance, love and joy, I'm going to prove that I'm Prince Charming, although for that I need to learn to sing and play an instrument, Serenade your every full moon ......, if the neighbors are in a good mood ... Hahaha…. It is not easy to learn to love everything, love is loving the imperfect and knowing how to forgive.


Hvordan vil du beskrive din ideelle partner?

The qualities of my dreaming girl are: jovial, cheerful, homelike, willing to make changes in life to improve her personality, communicative, discreet and reserved.

That she practices sports or yoga, that she transmits peace and harmony, will that she likes art, music, that she can talk about any topic, that she has ethical and moral values, that she likes to share with the family. My girl must be humble, honest, industrious, sincere, helpful, loyal, generous, fair, with bearing, delicate, elegant, fine, attentive, cordial, understanding, positive, dynamic, affectionate, romantic, playful, sexy and feminine.

I want a wife that she helps to solve our problems, in sensibly and harmoniously way, to find the common good and with love, generosity and justice prevail.

I like travel, so we are going to travel occasionally to know the culture of other countries, if she can give work to the people who need it and so take the bread to her family I will be proud to help her with the helpless, if my girl likes pastry I would take classes with she and put a little business with the intention of doing things together and that we have fun doing new and crazy things.
My perfect girl is that, that with love makes magic, transforming the imperfect into beautiful.

I want a Woman that consults me before making decisions and that allows me to give advice, that loves pets and protects them, that likes gardening, that strives to be an excellent woman who cares for her husband, who knows how to listen to your heart, and then I will be your sun and you my moon, in my mind and heart you will be my queen and I your king.

My God, I do not ask much, only the woman that you have destined to be my companion.
Hvis du visste at verden skulle gå under om 30 dager, hva vil du gjøre?
Being with my family, I would tell them, that I love them, do not worry; comes a flying saucer; to bring us, because I am an Alien and my ship will save us all who can, including the animals, so have patience that they will come at the moment we do not imagine.
Hvis du hadde ti millioner dollar til overs, hva vil du gjøre med det?
I buy the house for my family, I pay for my children's university, I would help my in-laws, donations to hospitals and we would put a renewable energy business or something my dear and dear family suggests, to help the environment as much as Flora and fauna.
Hvor ofte og hvem spør du til råds?
To my cousin and my friends.
Hvilke kvaliteter setter du høyest hos folk av samme kjønn?
Friendship, honesty, trust, loyalty and honesty.
Hvilke kvaliteter setter du høyest hos folk av motsatt kjønn?
Loving, affectionate, sexy, affectionate, communicative, humble, intelligent, homelike, friendship, honesty, trust, loyalty and honesty.
Hva er den siste fremtredende begivenhet i livet ditt, og hvordan har det påvirket deg?
Affectionate, sexy, justice, generous, affectionate, communicative, humble, intelligent, homelike, friendship, honesty, trust, loyalty and honesty.
Hva er det beste rådet du vil gi barna dine?
Have God in your heart and your path and study what you like, that is fair and generous.
Hva har gjort det største inntrykket (sjokk) på deg?
The death of my grandparents
Siste boken du leste?
Hvordan er dine fremtidsutsikter nå?
Improve my internal and external skills, improve my personality and eliminate my defects as much as possible.
Hvem beundrer du mest?
My father, my cousin, gandhi, Napoleon Bonaparte, Aristoteles, Pink Floyd, Tesla.
Har du mange venner?
Many acquaintances and few friends
Hvilke kvaliteter misliker du mest hos folk av eget kjønn?
Intelligence, courage, character, chivalry and generosity
Hvilke kvaliteter misliker du mest hos folk av motsatt kjønn?
Loving, understanding, intelligent, sense of humor, elegant, delicate, generous and fair
Hva ville du likt å endre på deg selv?
Confident, carefree, vertigo to the heights, my area of conformity
Hva er dine svakheter?
Confident, narcissistic, egocentric,undisciplined
Hva er dine styrker?
Sense of humor, creative, inventor, entrepreneur, leader,the art of improvising and solving problems
Hvordan ser venner på deg?
crazy and good friend
Hvordan ser bekjente på deg?
Trabajador, ganador, sabio, generoso y justo
Hva er dine favorittspill?
Play Chess and table games
Hvem er dine favorittforfattere og poeter?
Arturo Cuyás Armengo, Alfredo espino, Conny Méndez, platon aristoteles,socrate,J.R.R Tolkien, Agatha Cristie.
Hva slags musikk liker du?
Sarah Brightman, Ana Torroja, Pink Floyd, Carlos Santana, The Door, America, Grupo Abba, Turtles, Animals, The Rolling Stone, The Bleatles, Nosedades, Alberto Cortez, Camilo Sesto, Enmanuel,
Hva er favoritt maten din?
Pupusas, tacos, seafood
Hva er favorittfilmene dine?
Star War, the league of justice, jurassic park, the guardians of the galaxy, thor, impossible mission, the lone ranger, Iron Man, super man, trip to the stars, pretty woman, the white tiger, pirates of the Caribbean, batman. tec
Hva er ditt favoritt eventyr?
Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Jack the Slayer of Dragons, King Arthur, Dracula.
Hva er din favorittaktivitet eller hobby?
Imagine and do crazy things
Hva er din drømmejobb?
Writer and designer.
Fortell oss om din drømmepartner.
My wife and my children
Hvor vil du bo?
In a country house with a river.
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